Please note: You are more than welcome to bring a support person to any of these consultations.
General Medical Services
Our doctors are experienced general medical practitioners with a broad range of health care specialties.
Orewa Medical Centre doctors provide general medical consultations and a full range of personal medical checks as well as commercial medical examinations including those for driving, insurance and diving purposes. Our doctors recommend regular personal health checks and well child checks including immunisations. The doctors are available to provide pregnancy care – pre-natal, ante-natal and post-natal and can make recommendations on LMC providers. Orewa Medical Centre doctors have commitments to the local rest homes, private hospitals and dementia units.

Nursing Services
Orewa Medical Centre Nurses use their extensive knowledge and skills to provide you with the best possible care. One on one consultations for cervical smears, cardiovascular care, smoking cessation support, iron and osteoporosis infusions can be booked with nurses. Chronic medical conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes or asthma can be greatly assisted by the expertise of our nurses. Immunisations for children, travel and work are available. Nurse consultations fees apply.
Nurse telephone service available 24 hours a day everyday including public holidays. Phone (09) 426 5437.

Repeat Prescriptions
In some circumstances you can order a repeat prescription for a regular medication by phone.
To help with this process, please phone at least one week before your medication runs out as we allow two business days for the request to be approved and script to be available.
Repeat prescriptions are issued at the discretion of your doctor who has the clinical and medico-legal responsibility to medically review you and may ask that you make an appointment.
Ear Suctioning
Ear wax is naturally produced by your body to protect the inside of your ear from dust and infection. Ordinarily it moves from the inside to the outside of the ear canal and then falls out.
Sometimes a build-up of wax means you may experience a feeling of ‘fullness’ in your ear, hearing loss or ringing in your ears (tinnitus).
At Orewa Medical Centre we remove ear wax using a method called Microsuction.
Our procedure for removing ear wax involves using a suction device under the guidance of a high powered microscope. This ensures the safe and gentle removal of wax build-up. We may employ additional tools as needed to achieve optimal results. This process is fast and highly effective in addressing discomfort, impaired hearing and the risk of infection.
Microsuction is the safest and most effective technique for cleaning ear wax from the ear canal. It is much safer than syringing.
Unlike syringing which puts excessive pressure on the eardrum and increases the risk of eardrum perforation or irritation, microsuction is a dry procedure which simply sucks the wax out.
This service is for ages 13 and up. You do not need to be enrolled at Orewa Medical Centre to access this service.
Extracts from an article by Brenda Lockie-Julian, Registered Nurse; Vorotek Product Specialist; Ear Nurse Clinician Trainer; RN BA MBA.
“Growing interest in Ear Microsuction over the last few years has been driven in part, by client demand as well as Practitioners wanting to adopt an alternative, safer practice than Ear Syringing.
As there is an ever-increasing problem with Syringing complications, Manual Wax Removal not involving liquid has fewer risks and is now becoming more widely practiced. A combination of procedures can be used – cerumenolytic agents, ear curettage and ear microsuction.
Microsuction is generally well tolerated and considered to be a safer and more effective option than syringing. Carried out under direct vision as a “dry” procedure, there is less risk of trauma and infection. It is considered good for soft to moderately hard wax and wax impactions.
NICE guidelines stress that adults should not be offered ear syringing with the following conditions: dermatologic diseases of the ear canal; recurrent otitis externa; keratosis obturans; prior radiation therapy affecting the ear; previous tympanoplasty/myringoplasty, mastoidectomy, or other ear canal surgery. Some of these conditions would be considered safe to treat with Microsuction”.
Travel Health
We offer an up-to-date travel advice and vaccination services. We provide essential pre and post travel care, with assistance in choosing the best insect repellent, minimum hazard exposure and recommending appropriate vaccines for disease prevention. The advice given is individualised to meet your specific travel requirements.
We have online internet access to the latest health information. This includes information on disease outbreaks, appropriate malarial medication and current international vaccine requirements and recommendations for each country. Yellow fever vaccination is not available from this clinic.
We advise that you book your appointment with us, 4-6 weeks before travel is to commence or as soon as possible, as some vaccines require more than one dose. You will need to book with your GP who will discuss your travel plans in depth and prescribe recommended vaccines in accordance with your medical history.
Please bring with you;
Detailed itinerary of travel plans
Information on previous vaccinations received
List of current medicines
List of allergies
For some of these vaccinations, we have stock on hand and can be done on the day, but for others these will need to be ordered in which case we do ask for a 50% deposit for us to order these for you, with the balance paid on the day you are immunised.
Please advise reception staff that you are requesting a travel consultation. Please note: this is not a subsidised medical appointment so please ask our reception team for the cost of this consultation.
Accident and Urgent Medical Care
Due to an increase in patient numbers, we do not currently have the capacity to deal with walk-in accident and urgent medical cases.
Family Planning and Pregnancy Care
We have several very experienced GPs able to offer contraceptive advice.
We are able to diagnosis pregnancy and advice about pre-natal, pregnancy and post-natal care. Information packs for pregnancy are available and we can discuss referral to midwives or obstetricians. We do not provide a labour or delivery service but can assist with referral to those that do. We are happy to provide care for new babies including all childhood vaccinations and well child checks.
Minor Surgery
We have a purpose built surgical room where minor surgery can be preformed under local anaesthetic. This allows for cost-effective diagnosis and/or removal of most skin lesions including skin cancers or referral to another provider if that is the most appropriate management.
Price list: Please discuss if you have a lump or bump that is not on the list
Mole |
$400.00 (onwards depending on size) |
Lipoma |
$400.00 (depending on size and number) |
Wedge Resection Toenail |
$400.00 |
You will need to have an appointment with one of the GP’s first so the doctor can review and decide on the appropriate plan moving forward.
After Hours
We are open Monday to Friday, 8.10am – 5pm.
Outside these hours, you can phone our regular practice number 09 426 5437 and you will be redirected to a 24-hour nurse triage service.
Recommended after-hours virtual provider: If it’s after hours or if one of our doctors is not available, you can have virtual GP consultation with a real doctor by using CareHQ (, from 7am-9pm, 7 days per week. Find out more.
Orewa Medical Centre patients receive a $10.00 discount on Care HQ consultations. Simply enter the coupon code PRO-1 at the payment screen, to claim your discount. Coupon code: PRO-1.
Recommended after-hours urgent care clinic:
Shorecare, 50 Greville Road: 8am – 8pm 7 days a week (including public holidays)
Shorecare Smales Farm, Takapuna: 24/7 365 days of the year
Phone: 09 486 7777
Orewa Medical Plaza
8D Tamariki Ave
(09) 426 5437
For after hours medical care:
You can call our usual phone line to be redirected to a 24-hour nurse triage service or our patients can receive urgent medical and accident treatment at:
Shorecare, 50 Greville Road: 8am to 8pm
Shorecare Smales Farm Takapuna: 24/7
CareHQ is a virtual consult service with qualified NZ doctors. They can order blood tests, prescribe medication and your consultation notes are forwarded to your regular GP. Our patients can enter promo code PRO-1 for $10 off the regular price. See for more details.